From the first Sunday that I preached from the pulpit at Beulah I have felt the mighty presen

And the people! This small but powerful group of people are used by the Holy Spirit to be an extension of His arms. I have seen it time after time after time people who came through the front door who has never been inside before act as if they have known everyone there all their lives. The people of Beulah, all of them welcome everyone as if they are family. Almost everyone who comes will not leave without a hug from somebody. I learned that on my first Sunday there.
Over the past nine years since I've served as the pastor, we have experienced many ups and downs in the numbers during worship. We've had many who have moved into the area who came and then moved away, many who still stay in contact with members. We have a saying that "once a BeulahLander, always a BeulahLander". We've had many who went home to the Lord. We've had some who have left and we've never heard from them again. We've had as many as 40+ in morning worship and as few as 10+. Up and down, up and down. Sounds familiar? But we've never stopped praising the Lord.
The music and singing is amazing, full of the Spirit. Many times I have seen people start crying during the opening songs because the Spirit is using Sue Fann, our worship leader, and her gift of playing and singing to touch our hearts. When you come to Beulah, you don't what is going to happen.
Everyone, is a family when they come through those doors. We laugh together and we cry together. We rejoice with each other's joy, and we suffer with each other's suffering. We worship even at meetings. If we think one of us need prayer, we don't wait to see one another, we pray on the phone for one another. Beulah is just a fun place to be!
At the presence time, Beulah is experiencing a low in attendance since we have had many who have moved on in their journey. We pray that many more will come, knowing some like many before them will be there for a season in their spiritual journey. We pray for those who are going through trying times in their lives who are searching for a place of refuge where the burden will be lifted. We pray for families who decides that they need to bring their children to church to plant the seed of Christianity so that when it comes time for those children to decide for themselves whether they will continue their journey in faith, they will know they have given their children a special gift. We pray for those husbands and wives who needs to find a place they believe will give them something to have in common to give their relationship a sense of peace it has been missing. We pray for those who are seeking a church home. We pray for those who are looking to re-connect with the God they once knew. We pray for those we have never met, the stranger, who will be a stranger no more. We pray for you, and we pray for our church.
At Beulah we gather for Sunday morning worship at 9:45. Morning worship is over most of the time by 10:45 and then some will stay for Sunday School. Some leaves and heads to some of the local eating establishments, beating the 11 o'clock church crowds. I always like telling people that. It also gives more time for folk to spend more of their day visiting or traveling to see family or going on special drives. Whatever they like to do. Like I said, Beulah is just a fun place to be!
If you would like to come and experience Beulah, we're located at 4610 Corinth Church Rd., Roseboro, N.C. We're only a few miles down the road from Salemburg, but have a Roseboro address so don't let that confuse you. We look forward to meeting you. If you have questions give us a call at 590-4372. Come and let us worship with you.
If you have a special memory of Beulah, please leave a comment.
Do I have a special memory of Beulah??? Well, let's see what I can say (I hope I'm not limited to a certain number of words!).
ReplyDeleteI started to attend Beulah in 1997 when I started dating Chris. Since I was told I must attend church, what better place than beside a good lookin' man?? What can I say? The people are infectious...well, rather, the Holy Spirit that saturates the people of Beulah is infectious! I began helping out the ladies long before I knew what I was doing (although, I thought I knew it all...). I recall helping Mrs. Ruby make breakfast for sunrise service, cutting the flowers and putting out the salt and pepper...I was honored just to serve alongside such beautiful women of God. I also began singing with some of the ladies and loved it. I grin thinking back now at attempting to hit those very high notes in the Easter cantatas that I dubbed "Denise notes".
Chris and I married in that church in 2002 and I thought the gnats would carry us away! Whew! I wouldn't have had my wedding in another location-even if the church was busting at the seams with people.
In 2004 I was baptized along with my firstborn-Britney. It was a special day that I'll always remember. Not long after Britney, we had a pastor change...and quickly then another.
By the time Bobby came along, I was VERY pregnant and on bed rest with my second born Blake. At long last Blake came on the scene, and Bobby came to visit us at the hospital. At that point I told him that I didn't want Blake baptized until he could do it (as he was still "in the process" of being licensed). Finally that summer he was able to baptize my little Blake. And another year or so later, he baptized my baby Brian. All five of us were baptized at Beulah, and it is an honor to know that we are part of this forever family.
A few years later I went on the Walk to Emmaus-and life as I know it changed! This rollercoaster ride of life has taken some seriously amazing (although unexpected) turns, for sure!
I spent 17 years at Beulah UMC, but have myself headed into ministry and have had to go where the Lord has led me. But, as the bald-headed preacher said, "Once a Beulah-lander, always a Beulah-lander!" I love my Beulah family and wouldn't trade them for ANYTHING! I pray blessings on this wonderful church and it's beautiful members!
Bobby, thank you for allowing the Spirit to move in this church and for allowing the opportunity to share just a few of my's made me teary-eyed.
Grace and peace
Thank you so much Christ for sharing. We miss you guys so much. We continue to pray for your minstry and family. You guys are blessing everyone you meet and carrying the Beulah love to everyone.
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