I thought that I would share the opening words of my sermon manuscript for Palm Sunday 2017. I wish I would think more often of the opportunities I have to add to my blog. So many opportunities slips past our eyes. Hard to get them back. Oh well, may you be blessed by this opportunity I have grabbed:

Today also mark the beginning of the Passion Week, or Holy Week. As Lent draws to a close, we turn our thoughts to Jesus’ final days before his resurrection on Easter Sunday.
Today is also known as Passion Sunday. So in different services throughout the world today, many will hear of two different readings; one being the scriptures detailing Jesus entering into the city, and for others they will hear the telling of the arrest, trial, torture, and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. What would be your choice today if you had a choice on what I prepare to read? Would you be in a celebratory mood today and want to cheer with the crowd “Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!”, or more of the mobbing mood and join the chorus of “Crucify him! Crucify him! Crucify him!”. Choices, choices, choices! Why so many choices? The agony of having to chose.
But yet, that is exactly what we have to do. We have a choice to make, today, in life. Now or later, the choice is yours.